Finding Confidence in Your Process with Blome Design Co.


Starting a design business can be overwhelming, right? You have to figure out a lot of things very quickly – how to price yourself, what your process should look like, how to communicate with clients and handle awkward situations. It's a lot! And when you feel like you're learning everything as you go, it can be difficult to feel confident.

That's what Vina and I talk about in this interview! How she found her confidence as a designer and streamlined her process after joining The Designer Essentials Club. You can watch the full interview below ↓


About Vina

Vina is the brand and packaging designer behind Blome Design Co. She works with small business owners in the conscious lifestyle and wellness space to create a strategic and heartfelt brand experience for their audience. Her design approach is intentional and purposefully minimal. Go follow Vina on Instagram and check out her beautiful work!

And if you're interested in joining The Designer Essentials Club, you can learn more about here! Or watch some of the other student interviews to hear how the Club has helped them.


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