Heart-led brand, packaging and Shopify design.

pre-recorded training

My Design Business Blueprint

An in-depth workshop where I’ll walk you through exactly how I started my design business, the things that helped me the most and the things that I wish I’d done sooner.


What this training covers

  1. How I attracted my first clients and started booking consistently.

  2. How I priced myself in the beginning and
    how I’ve raised my prices since then.

  3. All the business stuff that you need to
    figure out like legal stuff, accounting, contracts, invoicing, etc.)

  1. What to expect when growing your business and an in-depth look at how I’ve grown.

  2. A timeline (with real numbers) of how my business has grown over the past 5 years.

  3. PLUS you'll get to listen to the Q+A that I did during the live version of the training.

This training was done live on March 5th, 2021. By purchasing this product, you'll get instant access to watch the replay and download all of the resources.

Not sure if this workshop is right for you? I’m happy to answer any questions that you have! Feel free to shoot me a DM on Instagram @byabbeymcgrew.

about the workshop host

I’m Abbey and I’m gonna be completely honest. When I first started my design business, I had no idea what I was doing.

I started my design studio straight out of college, and quickly ran into the same old problems most designers face. I’ve spent 5+ years testing out different strategies, figuring out what worked + what didn’t.

So I created this special training with you and my former self in mind. As a designer, I want to help equip you so you don’t have to make the same mistakes I did. I’ll be sharing real numbers and examples so you can see exactly how I’ve built a successful design business and know what to expect for yourself.